Day 50 - Independence, IA to Cedar Rapids, IA


Today's miles: 54.0 miles
Today's feet of elevation gain: 1,302 feet
Total miles traveled: 2,089.3 miles
Total feet climbed: 63,124 feet

I was optimistic that with another strong day I could make it to the Iowa border at Muscatine and be back on track to the plan I had set earlier in the week. The mileage wild card when riding through a city is all about how the bike trails are routed, construction/detours and how much traffic interaction there is.

Unfortunately by 2:00 it was clear that I wouldn’t be able to make the remaining 60 mi to Muscatine in reasonable time.

The cycling community in CR is incredible. I ran into lots of cyclists throughout the day. Early in the day there was a steady stream of bikers (old, young, fit, not, road bikers and ebikers) on the trails. There were a couple of ‘events’ during the day, but there were a number of people out just enjoying a great weekend. I also have to compliment the biking community and state/local governments: I rode 75+ miles of trails in various locations. They were well built, well maintained and some of the best I’ve ridden


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